Full Price or Free. That’s the advice I’ve heard about billing for client work. Working for family, friends, or a non-profit? Full Price or Free, no “discounted billing”. When you discount your full-price invoice, you’re cheating yourself, and cheapening our industry.
I have done plenty of work for charity organizations in the past, and given them an invoice that is reduced 100%. But in exchange for that free work, I have in the contract that I want exposure and credit for the work.
I also have strong opinions on speculative work (I won’t do it). When I am approached by a new lead, we establish a relationship, agree to terms, and I bill for initial discovery work (a project Roadmap). Your time is worth money, and so is mine.
This is a hard lesson I have learned over time in running my business. The more I respect myself, my business, and my offering to potential clients, the more they respect me. And in turn they don’t blink an eye when I explain the price of services.