Digital Marketing Articles

Yoast SEO

WordPress Plugins I Install on Every Business Website I Create

Every WordPress developer has their go-to list of favorite plugins they install on each site they develop. Each has a (and should!) have a singular purpose to solve a specific problem or handle functionality specific to the client’s business need. No plugin should be installed “just because other sites are using it and I want […]

WordPress Plugins I Install on Every Business Website I Create Continue Reading »

The WordPress PlugIns I Recommend

If I am redesigning my site, setting up a new site for a client, or inheriting a site from a new client for ongoing management, there are a select few WordPress Plugins that are my go-to for performance, security and functionality. No matter the size of website, if you have multiple pages and multiple menus,

The WordPress PlugIns I Recommend Continue Reading »

wordpress premium and commercial plugins

Are commercial plugins worth it? Why?

The WordPress content management tool is licensed under the GPL, which means it’s open source, which means it is free to download, install, and use so long as you follow the guidelines of the GPL (not going to get into that here!). Directly related is the enormous collection of WordPress plugins that provide untold amounts

Are commercial plugins worth it? Why? Continue Reading »

What Do Search Engines Look For?

Search engines index content on the web with computer programs called “bots,” which move through websites by “crawling” from link to link. In order to provide the most useful search results, search engines assess pages in terms of relevance and popularity. Relevance: The relevance of content on a site depends on how closely it matches

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