Do These Things If You Want Your Visitors To Leave

It’s 2017, so I’m assuming your business has a website in some form or another. But is that website helping your business or hurting it? Do you know?

Well, if your website has images that won’t load, or take a long time to load, you’re frustrating your visitors. It’s been said that close to 40% people people will click away or click the back button if this happens when trying to view a website.

Are you using your website to gather leads? Do you have your business phone number displayed prominently near the top? No? That’s a mistake. People tend to leave websites if there is no contact information viewable at or near the top.

So you have your website loading fast? Great! But does it look good? Not to you — but to your intended audience. People will quickly lose interest if they find it unattractive.

And if you don’t have a website, that’s a huge mistake. Close to 80% will research a business online before calling, clicking, or purchasing from it. Don’t be that business without a website.

Finally, 2017 is the year that mobile surpassed desktop in viewing websites. Over 50% of people use their phone or tablet to do online research or make purchases. If your website is not mobile-friendly, it is hurting your business.

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